Press Release from Luna

Ditto Celebrates 10-Year Anniversary

Ditto Technologies celebrates its 10-year anniversary this month. 

Ditto was cofounded by Kate Doerksen with the vision of making eyewear personal and accessible. Over the past decade, Ditto has partnered with forward-looking eyewear retailers and brands to transform the eyewear shopping experience for millions of customers around the world. Over the past 10 years, Ditto has grown from 3 founders to over 60 employees and built long-term partnerships with key clients and partners. Most recently, they partnered with Materialise, a global leader in 3D printing solutions.

Ditto has been at the cutting edge of technology development in augmented reality, virtual try-on, computer-vision-based face recognition, reconstruction and classification, AI and machine learning frame recommendations and 3D frame digitization and data. They have amassed an impressive patent portfolio including 18 issued and pending patents and are on pace to apply for new patents every quarter. 

Ditto has also built a tremendous infrastructure to support their solutions at scale, globally with the best security possible. Over 60M users use Ditto’s technology platform each year and over 1 billion pairs of glasses are tried on each month!

While reflecting on 10 years of business the cofounder and CEO, Kate Doerksen, said, “I am so proud of what we’ve built in terms of our products, our relationships with our clients and our team culture. And we’re just getting started.” 

In response to celebrating its 10th anniversary, Ditto has created a vision for the next 10 years. 

Here is a summary of that vision:

  • Become a dominant technology player in the global eyewear industry
  • Redefine the eyewear shopping experience to make it simple, personal, and a little bit magical.
  • Support a culture that celebrates what makes each customer unique so that eyewear can be empowering for everyone.
  • Enable eyewear to be sold online so customers have access anytime, anywhere.
  • Demystify the eyewear buying experience so customers can purchase with confidence.
  • Build turnkey, elegant solutions that solve real problems with a huge ROI for our clients.
  • We focus on eyewear but we’re leading a change that’s bigger than that and will transform every aspect of how people shop.


10 Years: Ditto by the Numbers

1,000,000,000+ digital glasses tried on each month

60,489,097+ users per year 

90,502+ digital glasses in our library

60+ intelligent people on our growing team

18 issued and pending patents

1 audacious goal of making eyewear accessible and personal for everyone


To learn more about Ditto, follow the company’s LinkedIn page and the hashtag #DittoTurns10.

About Ditto

Ditto is the leading eyewear recommendation and virtual try-on technology platform for forward-looking retailers. Ditto is redefining the eyewear shopping experience to make it simple, personal, and a little bit magical. Ditto’s platform captures a precise map of each customer’s face and their personal style preferences to make insightful recommendations, determine precise fit and style, and visualize it all with vivid realism. In the process, their clients gain a deeper understanding of each customer that opens up new opportunities to better serve them across channels. Ditto is fundamentally changing the way eyewear is bought and sold globally for over 60 million customers each year.


Press contact
Alex Kane


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